NSP editorial team has been reviewing the internet for news items every working day, and often during the weekends, too. We try to include all kinds of news, to reflect the activity that is taking place in the world-wide, as well as in regional media, at any given point of time. Sometimes it means that we inform you of funny, sad, or even absurd news items, but such is nature of a mirror, that it reflects beauty and ugliness equally well.

More and more often we receive interesting news updates from our readers, which we highly appreciate and encourage – whether it is about regional or global-scope news, your notifications usually come much faster than our searches can discover these news!

Since the beginning of the NSP online presence, over three thousand one hundred news items were posted on the website.

During the last twelve months, the website was visited by over 50,000 unique users. While Europe and North America formed the biggest constituency of our readers, NSP had also (among other continents and nations) 1400 unique readers from Australia, and large groups from Asia (over 1200 from India), and South America (almost 900 unique readers from Brasil).

Over 40% of our readers returned more than once to the NSP website, and there is a large group (several thousand readers) who follow the news on NSP at least once or twice a week. A lot of visitors, especially those who visit once a week or less frequently, take advantage of our news archive, which allows them to look back in time as far as one wishes.

Starting in March 2014, the “NSP Weekly News” became a Daily News Digest, with 224 issues delivered so far, to over 1000 recipients each. Every issue of the e-mail digest contained minimum six news items, which means that over 1300 news items were emailed to our readers – and that was less than 45% of all news items posted on the website.

Year 2014 saw 30 new blog posts. Not all of them were met with equal interest. Three most popular articles of the year 2014 were:

  • The positive effects of nicotine by Jacques le Houezec (12 January 2014)
  • World Health Organization needs to see e-cigarettes as part of the solution, not the problem, say leading specialists in nicotine science and public health by NSP (29 May 2014)
  • New research shows electronic cigarettes better for quitting, than no aid; over the counter NRT worse than no aid by NSP (7 February 2014)

Jacques le Houezec, and his entry on the positive effects of nicotine, is a clear popularity champion, with over 8000 page views.

Along with an increased frequency of news mailouts, we started to push out individual news items via twitter and facebook.

  • We tweeted 3100 times so far! @NicotineSP has got almost 1000 followers on twitter, and the number is increasing every day.
  • The NSP facebook page (nicotinepolicy) has over 1200 posts, with a lot of lively follow-up from our readers.

That’s how we see the last twelve months – in raw numbers. But numbers do not allow us to understand our readers fully. We would like to know what you think about the time you spend reading the NSP – whether via the main website, mail, twitter or facebook updates. Share with us your views, opinions, and feedback. Let us know what you liked and what you found not so good – so that we can improve for you in 2015! Please email your thoughts, wishes, and feedback to [email protected] .