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Smoking in Venezuela

There are 3.2 million daily smokers in Venezuela. The prevalence of daily tobacco smoking among adults is 14%. 17296 people in Venezuela die from tobacco smoking-related diseases each year. The mortality rate associated with tobacco smoking is 10.73%.

Read articles from Venezuela

August 07, 2023 by

Venezuela Bans Vapes on Maduro's Order

The government of Venezuela has banned e-cigarettes and heated tobacco products—including personal use by individuals. The decision came in an Aug. 1 health ministry resolution, which claims the action is based on health concerns. The resolution, published in the country’s official gazette, prohibits the “manufacture, storage, distribution, circulation, commercialization, import, export, use, consumption, advertising, promotion, and sponsorship” of all vaping products—including products that contain no nicotine.

August 07, 2023 by

Gobierno venezolano prohíbe el uso y comercialización de cigarrillos electrónicos

Las autoridades de salud de Venezuela anunciaron el jueves que resolvieron prohibir la utilización, fabricación e importación de cigarrillos electrónicos, sin excepciones. A partir de su publicación en la Gaceta Oficial, fechada el miércoles, “se prohíbe la fabricación, almacenamiento, distribución, circulación, comercialización, importación, exportación, uso, consumo, publicidad, promoción y patrocinio” de los cigarrillos electrónicos, indicó el Ministerio en un comunicado.