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Smoking in Romania

The overall trend for prevalence of current smokers in the general population in Romania has been gently downwards since 2006. 28% of Romanians were current smokers in 2017, down from 31% in 2006. The trend was mostly downwards, with a slight upwards blip in the 2017 survey (+1%). These data come from the Eurobarometer surveys, the most recent of which was carried out in 2017. In the most recent survey a total of 27,901 respondents from different social and demographic groups were interviewed face-to-face at home, in their mother tongue, across all 28 of the EU countries. The sample for each country is representative, however the sample sizes are relatively small (e.g. most countries had just over 1000 participants, but for Italy, Malta and Lithuania the sample was around 500). Nevertheless, the Eurobarometer surveys are useful as they have estimates for smoking prevalence collected over a number of years which can show trends, as described here.

Read articles from Romania

September 24, 2018 by

E-cigarette ban project submitted to Romanian Senate

A new draft law submitted to the Senate proposes e-cigarettes to be banned in public spaces just as the normal cigarettes are, local Digi24 reported.

The Senate’s health committee is currently debating the bill. However, the initiative received a negative opinion from the human rights committee, according to Cristian Ghica, an MP representing opposition party Save Romania Union (USR).

June 12, 2018 by

BAT to Invest 800 Million Euros in Romanian Factory

British American Tobacco (BAT) announced on June 11 that it will invest 800 million euros over the next five years in its factory in Ploiești, Romania. The investment [...] will support the expansion of BAT’s controversial tobacco heating products in countries across Europe during the second half of 2018.

A completely new manufacturing hall will be built dedicated to producing specially designed tobacco sticks – called Neostiks – which work with the glo tobacco heating device.